Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide BuySaleCheap

Where Buy Sale Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide Cheap Deals

Buy Sale Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.

Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide

Customer Rating :
Rating: 2.6

List Price : $142.95
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.

Product Description

In addition to printing one and two-inch labels for many applications, the highly affordable Smart Label Printer 420 is a world-class label printer. Eliminate the hassle and expense of printing labels with a standard printer. No ink, ribbons or toner needed. Smart Label software included. Works with Windows and Mac OS X. Networkable: USB and Serial connections built-in.

  • In addition to printing one and two-inch labels for many applications, the highly affordable Smart Label Printer 420 is a world-class label printer.
  • Eliminate the hassle and expense of printing labels with a standard printer.
  • No ink, ribbons or toner needed.
  • Smart Label software included.

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Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
5 Reviews
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Easy installation, pathetic documentation, frustrating, February 20, 2006
Sheila Moore (Belmont, California USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide (Office Product)
Installation is easy -- the "quickstart" instructions for that are good. Trying to do anything NOT documented in the "quickstart" instructions, however, requires lots of trial and error and is VERY frustrating. Most of the online documentation is inaccurate or just plain missing. If I ever figure it all out on my own, I will probably like this printer. It's very convenient to be able to print single labels instead of whole sheets of them ... but that's a big "if." Who has that kind of time?
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars One of the worst printers I have ever seen, May 18, 2007
Robert S. Humphreys (Seattle WA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide (Office Product)
I bought this about a year ago because the Dymo was our of stock and I needed one for some sales materials. First off the software is terrible, it has a really bad time trying to crate printing lists (in fact I had to have Seiko support create a special file for me to get it to work with csv files. It also kept locking up, and I had to reinstall it twice because for some unexplained reason, after printing normally for a few months it started printing garbage. Uninstalling and reinstalling the software fixed that problem.

That brings up another issue which was support. While I did finally get a very knowledgeable support person on the phone who truly went above and beyond to get things working, it took forever (several weeks) to actually get to that person. They didn't respond to emails or phone calls for as I said several weeks.

This thing has a really hard time loading the labels straight and unless you use large shipping labels it keeps getting skewed or... Read more
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Not worth it, December 22, 2009
Oros (San Francisco) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Seiko Smart Label Printer 420 Win/mac Os - Prints 2 1/8 Wide (Office Product)
A number of people in my office have Smart Label printers and they all work very well. I was one of two people to end up with the 420 and we both detest this model. The labels slip around after you start printing off just a few, so the text goes all over the place. I am constantly stopping my job and re-inserting the label. Constantly. I have come to dread having to make any label, because I sit there and have to essentially hand-feed the ribbon through to make sure everything is lined up correctly. It is also very slow compared to the other models.

A short time ago the office installed a software patch (a patch that had nothing to do with SmartLabel software) and everyone with the 420 model can no longer use their machines. I've re-installed the software and drivers to no avail. It will print, but feeds out too far into the next label, so you have to stop after every print to reset it. And then the one label you do print, has sideways text because the label slipped left... Read more
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