Sunday, August 5, 2012

Orion Globe BuySaleCheap

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Orion Globe

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.0

List Price : $99.99
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Product Description

Constellation on earth. The black-ocean globe may have a heavenly appearance, but it shows the earth s expanse. The Orion s 12" sphere and antique pewter finished, solid steel base, and die cast semi-meridian make it perfect for any desktop. And just as Orion blazes in the night sky, this Orion lights at the touch of a button-a perfect feature to set a nighttime mood for a unique viewing experience.

Diameter: 12" (30 cm)
Height: 17" (43 cm)
Weight: 4.6 lbs. (2.1 kg)

  • 12" Sphere Size
  • Chic Black Ocean Style
  • Brushed Silver Base and Meridian
  • Illuminated
  • Great for Home or Office

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Orion Globe Reviews
Customer Reviews
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27 of 33 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars PROCEED WITH CAUTION, January 19, 2011
Sagesmoke (Berkeley, CA.) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Orion Globe (Electronics)
I am very sorry to write this negative review, but wish someone had, before I bought this globe. I have one, a Replogle 12" black background world globe, which I bought at an Antiques store. I LOVE it. I wanted this one, which appears to be identical (except for updating, of course) and is illuminated. So far, so good. However, much to my dismay, this globe does not 'tilt' on it's axis! Who wants a world globe that you can't tip and tilt and explore? I don't. For $85.00 I think they should include the extra 'tilt' bar! If not, I think they should state that in the description. I am editing this review because I don't want to be too harsh on the seller. He explained, (after a bad rating) why the globe does not have the 'rotating' function. It was MY mistake, in not doing more 'research' on Illuminated globes, I guess, but I still feel it should be mentioned in the description; especially given the cost of return shipping, and restocking fee. As the seller admitted, not... Read more
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6 of 10 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Exceeded expectations... and I have six illuminated globes and none of them "Tilt..", December 22, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Orion Globe (Electronics)
On the shelf above my desk hooked up to a foot switch I seven illuminated globes. Two illuminated constellation globes, Uncle Milton's "Moon in my room" with the guts ripped out and replaced with mini LEDs hanging on the wall, a medium sized antique-look globe, a five-inch blue physical relief globe, and now this globe. All but the five inch models run on LEDs so they pull under 10 watts total by the way. To modify this one for LED I had to find the smallest LED I could and shave a tiny bit off the edges of the bottom with a pocketknife by the way, but I'm trying really hard to stay on Al Gore's good graces and LEDs use less than half the juice of even CFLs.

This globe is the nicest of my collection by far, and the most unique globe I've ever seen. Almost the size of a beach ball, so there's room for all kinds of details on the globe, including stuff like prevailing ocean currents. It even comes with a booklet explaining longitude and latitude and such. Looks great in the... Read more
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